Senin, 23 Februari 2015

I Wanna be a Good Mother

I'll get married and have children.
My children will grow up
If the time comes, I always be by their side.
I want to be a good mother to them.

I'll teach them how to be kind.
They'll know how to help others.
I'll always give them spirit.
I wouldn't let my children get lost.
I'll solve their problems.
I wouldn't let my children to be depressed because they can't solve the problems of life.
I'll let them help me, although it would be chaotic.
I wouldn't let my children feel useless.
I'll be proud of them, even though they never got an award.
I'll support their talent, even if it was not useful for their lives in the future.
I'll support what's their pleasure.

Of course I will give them privacy.
They can make friends with anyone, as long as the person doesn't make them hurt.
I wouldn't interfere with their problems.
They will share it with me if they want to.

And I want my partner to do the same with me.
Yes, their father must do it.

I want them to feel grateful to be born into this world. and have parents like us.

*[english version] maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan, sesekali aku ingin mempergunakan bahasa lain.

2 komentar:

  1. translate please :p
    bikin yg versi indonesia bisa kalii yaa --"

    1. yaampuuuunn.. basa inggrisku berantakan ya os XD
      sekali-kali pengen pk bahasa lain, lain kali mo pake basa jawa ah~


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